What is transformational opportunity? The perils and uncertainty of the COVID-19 Pandemic has disrupted healthcare and life as we know it. Yet as Dr. Tom Davis describes even during the midst of these profound challenges there are opportunities out there for individuals and organizations. As clinicians you need to realize the value you uphold with your life experiences, education, and expertise. Once you know your worth, you just won’t settle and that feeling will be liberating. That liberation will allow you to take advantage of unrestrained career choices that you make for yourself!
In this episode of Licensed to Live Dr. Davis exemplifies how he has his “fingers in a lot of pies and the reason for that – so when one source of revenue dries up there’s another that can take its place”. As an individual you are the ONLY one placing limitations on yourself. Recognize your worth, recognize your value and realize you are rare commodity. If takes you and only you to take the leap into the transition journey that can set you apart. Take the first step, be the first one and pave the way to your own success. Sometimes you have to be the one to set the course in unchartered waters. If you set off adrift or without aim in those waters, set up a strategy session with me at www.timewithdoctorjarret.com