I had the chance to meet Dr. Drew backstage at CNN Center where we were both speaking at a conference. The doctors had to screen each other for COVID at this live event during the pandemic. As a TV doctor pioneer, he told me the most important thing he ever learned is to listen to his wife. I certainly agree!

My first time to Carnegie Hall was also Ice T’s first time to Carnegie Hall as well. He joked with me that “as a career criminal he is the longest running cop in TV history.” In addition, he said that you should “never apply your moral compass to another person.” Coco went on to say that in order to succeed you can’t be afraid of rejection. Rejection and failure is a part of the success pathway.

I always enjoy catching up with Grammy Award winning jazz player Wynton Marsalis after his shows. Having gratitude for all that comes to him in life is what keeps him grounded.

In this picture outside of an Atlanta TV studio I spoke with Dr. Drai Burch about his lawsuit with Dr. Dre (of Beats headphones) over the name Dr. Drai/Dre. He told me that protecting your brand and intellectual property is paramount with everything you do. I have two federal trademarks to this date and counting…

When President Obama made a visit to Allentown, PA I was asked to be a driver in his motorcade. Driving his press members around (no I wasn’t driving ‘The Beast’) I was able to see up close and personal (with a secret service agent) what it was like to be President for a day. Even more impressive is that when we had the chance to snap this picture, he had the energy and charisma to truly be appreciative of what I did for him. Admittedly, I was a little nervous as I never had met a President before. Staying true to his roots, he told me that he would continue to root for his favorite Chicago sports teams despite living in Washington.

Robyn is the producer and director of the film “Do No Harm: Exposing the Hippocratic Hoax, a documentary about the physician suicide epidemic. After seeing her film in a VIP screening, I told her about the work I do and she said that I am “a warrior in the battle to improve physician wellness.”

Meeting Jamaican dancehall reggae artist Konshens in the Sirius XM studios in New York City was pretty uplifting. He said that you need to be in the place to be in order to make things happen. I told him that we were in the right place to be.

I was able to connect with Superbowl Champion and former Pittsburgh Steeler Mike Logan several times over the years. He stated at the age of six that he was going to grow up to play football for his hometown Pittsburgh Steelers and win a Superbowl. What an incredibly lofty goal to achieve stated at such a young age. He tells so much more in this podcast episode.

I had a blast being interviewed on The Greatest Show of All-Time with celebrity entrepreneur Clint Arthur. I was able to share my Licensed To Live story with him and his audience at 770 WABC radio in New York City.

Dylan is the editor-in-chief of the National Enquirer. I told him that if I were more famous he would have me in his publications highlighting the fall and rise of Doctor Jarret. He was very interested in my story and told me “The only time success comes to you is before work.”

World Champion boxer Evander Holyfield told me that being the youngest of 9 children his brothers and sisters never let him win. He took up boxing at a young age and continued to work on his skills until nobody could beat him. Despite being a ferocious boxer he told me that “Love is the key to success.”

Psychiatrist and filmmaker Dr. Cyntrell Crawford must have been sizing me up in this selfie years ago in front of CNN in Atlanta. Little did I know at the time of this selfie that she was going to cast me as her narrator in her film Us vs The Plant.

MMA World Champion Fighter Jenae Noonan and I had a chance meeting one night. She broke her neck fighting and beat the odds to return back to fighting where she remained dominant. When asked how would she describe herself she responded, “I’m whatever the bleep I want to be.” Did you know besides being one tough woman, she has a Masters degree?

Dr. Marc and I had the chance to sit down for a chat in the green room after he came off stage at a conference. Being a medical correspondent for Fox News, Forbes, and an author, his key to success is staying on his message and sticking to the science.

I met Martha at a celebrity entrepreneur conference and she told me that after her time at “Camp Yale” she knew she had the unique opportunity to start fresh and rebuild herself. Adversity did not take her out, it propelled her forward…

Business writer Michael Gerber has written over 30 books and I have only written 4. I asked him how does he keep putting out the books year after year. He told me he stays in the ‘dreaming room’ where he keeps getting bigger and bigger ideas. Finally he said, “Living legends don’t live balanced lives, only idiots do.”

I met KevinMD at an entrepreneur conference several years ago. Through this chance meeting I learned about his blogging enterprise and ended up writing about 10 or so articles for him. He told me that people want to hear about life issues through the eyes of a physician. This is advice that I continue to use today.

Even though Kim Coles acting career hit the breakthrough back in the 90’s with Living Single, she has since continued to reinvent herself. She now does a lot of writing and encourages others to be bold in telling their story and amplifying their voice.

Meeting radio host legend Sway Calloway was a lot of fun. He asked me to be on his Sirius XM show in New York City to talk about Bad @$$ Kids. We talked about raising our own kids off the air and the difficulties of being in the limelight while raising children.

Meeting Jerry Greenfield (yes, Jerry of Ben and Jerry’s) was pretty cool since he was serving me up some Salted Caramel Core ice cream in New York City. He told me that he applied to medical school 20 times and got 20 rejection letters. He then went on to take a $5 correspondence course on ice cream making and the rest is history. Sometimes your alternative plan beats the plan that you wanted.

I was able to meet Rosalyn Carter in her home church in rural Georgia. She was ever so gracious to spend the time with me even when her husband President Jimmy Carter was ill. She says that even out of the hustle and bustle of Washington for so many years, she loves to be at home and with her church family.

The real “Scorpion” of the CBS series “Scorpion” has to be one of the smartest people I have ever met. Literally, his IQ is off the chart. However, being extremely intelligent isn’t everything you need. You must have a strong relationship quotient, emotional quotient, and many other pieces in order to succeed. Having all the smarts in the world won’t get you very far if you don’t put it to good use.

Kelly Kinkaid had me to speak about behavior and my Whose Bad @$$ Kids Are Those?® book while she hosted her Sirius XM segment First Aid with Kelly Kinkaid. They told me that being in radio anything can happen, but the show must go on.

I got to have a chat with country music singer Kendal Conrad back stage at one of her concerts. She had to think long and hard before she would take a selfie with me LOL. She also told me that being in the music business is a lot of hard work and it takes persistence and dedication to get to your goals.

Sylvia was the emcee at the Indie Authors Legends Awards where I won the Author of the Year Award for best memoir for Licensed To Live: A Primer to Rebuilding Your Life After Your Career is Shattered. She told me that in order to succeed as a comedian and impersonator for so long she had to study people for many hours. When she turned into Michelle Obama on me I thought I was in Washington!

Television producer of Love & Hip Hop, Mona Scott-Young and I met in New Orleans during the Mardi Gras season. We met at this pre-parade party when I was asked to be in her royal court. Life as a celebrity entertainer isn’t easy she told me, but when you find the right fit it is perfect.

Dr. Oz gave me some good advice about speaking in public forums, “…when you mix medicine and politics, you get politics.” Stick to the science.
