Put Up The Good Fight

Put Up The Good Fight April 18, 2021

Explosions, machine gun fire and the uncertainty of rescue – imagine being at the center of an international conflict while trying to earn your medical degree. Such was the case of Dr. Jeep Naum, who despite many obstacles – fighting his own personal “battles” was determined to become a doctor. Sometimes on the way to our success we would like to take the path of least resistance or sail smoothly to meet our goals, but often times, well the course to get there is one met with challenges and obstacles that are unforeseen. Determination and perseverance can help you succeed and push forward even when you don’t know the course that may lay ahead. How much are you willing to stay the course?

In this episode of Licensed To Live Dr. Jeep Naum describes his harrowing experience in Grenada after not being accepted into medical schools in the States. After being rescued in Grenada he was able to finish medical school in the States and become a family practice physician. He did not give up and continued to strive for what he always set out to be – a doctor. It may not be how he expected, but he was not deterred from achieving his dream. Such is life. Uncertainty is always there EVERYDAY, but you must stay grounded if you want to achieve, no matter how you meet the challenges thrown at you. Will you give up or fight the good fight for what you desire? The choice is yours. If you are ready to put up the good fight, set up your free strategy session with me at www.timewithdoctorjarret.com.

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