Wrong Destination

Wrong Destination August 23, 2018

Have you ever found yourself at the wrong destination? I remember several times when I fell asleep on the F train after a long shift in the hospital and woke up in Coney Island, not my intended destination, but it was my stop (the last stop). Have you thought that you were headed in the right direction and you were completely wrong? What happens when you reach for your phone to get the GPS and the battery is dead? In order to get to the right place, you need help.

Life is no different. We each are on pathways to different destinations, or so we think. Sometimes the destinations change mid route. There are storms that may come into your path that force the direction change. You always thought you were in control. As a physician, control over situations is one of the things that make you tick. The storms put things into perspective. A storm’s power demonstrates that you don’t have control over every circumstance. You are at the will of the (storm) system.

My career plans and destination had to change along the way. However, resiliency and determination will get you through. As difficult as it may seem, all things in career and life must be flexible and able to change. After all, healthcare is constantly changing. Of importance is that one learns to adapt and move on. You must focus on taking one step at a time daily. Changing your course can place you in a different, and often times better, destination.

Asking for help while changing direction is one of the best things to do for you. Since we don’t carry maps in our cars anymore; when the GPS fails we tend to get lost. I am a coach for physicians and other medical professionals that have lost their way and found themselves in an undesirable location. I have the map to help you get out of the place you were lost and continue to get back on the right path. Whether there have been actions taken against you, or times have been difficult at your current job. In the end, together, we will change your course. Sign up for a free 30 minute strategy session today so we can alter your course: www.timewithdoctorjarret.com

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